Deal Management

Additional transaction advisory service with dedicated professionals. M&A World provides advisory services on a success-based model with non-exclusive rights, with a defined number of advisory hours as outlined in the contract between the Client and M&A World. If the agreed upon hours are utilized, as reported, the Client may purchase additional consulting hours.

With this Order Form, the Client orders additional transaction advisory hours from M&A World dedicated advisors, with a limitation of maximum 100 hours.

The Contractor will record consultancy activities in M&A World CRM system, based on the usual practice.

On the last day of each month, the Contractor summarizes the current status of the project, the tasks carried out and expected, and settles accounts with the Client, indicating the expected contribution to be made before the end of the legal transaction.

This order form may be terminated in writing at any time with immediate effect if the Client no longer requires the active involvement of the Contractor. (Cancellation of the additional deal management order does not constitute termination of the consultancy contract, only the end of the active involvement. Upon completion of the legal transaction, the order for deal management is automatically terminated.)

language:Englishoptions for additional languages

internal term:hourly


method:Online or Personal