Target Analysis

Complex Target Analysis and Target selection based on international standards to support investors to build pipeline. The primary purpose of the professional Target Analysis is to examine concrete targets (max 50) in a selected industry sector to support investors’ decisions to select the best acquisition opportunities as well as to build acquisition strategy.

This study is prepared utilizing the Orbis international company database, the recognized and continuously updated Zephyr and Pitchbook transactional databases, as well as M&A World network and database, and through the active examination of information available of the market players, focusing on the following key areas:

  • Identifying players in the market,
  • Comprehensively examining the
    • financial performance,
    • income situation,
    • operational efficiency,
    • market share.

Based on Target Analysis, investors can identify the best acquisition opportunities. For investor requests, M&A World Professionals are prepared to reach out to potential companies and make a case for them to sell.

language:Englishoptions for additional languages


timing:25 - 30business days options for expedited delivery