Market Research

Preparation of independent, professional Market Research based on international standards. The primary purpose of the complex Market Research is to support investors’ decision to select industry sector as well as to build acquisition strategy.

The assessment covers industrial trends, players, methods, best practices, in addition to strategic considerations, opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. The study calls attention to customer and supplier risks, barriers to entry, competitors, financiers, tenders, supports, previous industrial transactions and much more. It sets out a vision for investors, laying the foundation for strategic planning.The assessment covers industrial trends, players, methods, best practices, in addition to strategic considerations, opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. The study calls attention to customer and supplier risks, barriers to entry, competitors, financiers, tenders, supports, previous industrial transactions and much more. It sets out a vision for investors, laying the foundation for strategic planning.

This study is prepared utilizing the Orbis international company database, the recognized and continuously updated Zephyr and Pitchbook transactional databases, as well as the M&A World network and database, and through the active examination of information available in the market, focusing on the following key areas:

  • Understanding and introducing the target market,
  • Presenting market and macroeconomic trends,
  • Determining the driving forces of the industry,
  • Identifying market players,
  • DescribingM&A transactions in the industry,
  • Conducting a SWOT analysis to survey strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,
  • Mapping out the relationship network and presenting potential partners and connection points.

language:Englishoptions for additional languages


timing:25 - 30business days options for expedited delivery