Due Diligence Services

M&A World is represented in 125+ countries with its members and partners. The members of the network are locally owned, independent consultancy agencies, who operate according to M&A World’s high level professional standards and meet the local specialties. M&A World assures that each member firm provides high quality services both for domestic and international clients.

M&A World and its partners provide a comprehensive range of independent due diligence services on a global scale. Due diligence process focuses most cases on financial, taxational and legal areas, some cases on technical, environmental and other areas as well.

M&A World Professionals have the capability to provide due diligence red flag reports on a global scale in accordance with international standards. A due diligence report is sent as an internal memo to members of the executive team who are evaluating the transaction and is a requirement for closing the deal.

The aim of the Due Diligence is to get to know the target under review and identify the main risks and prioritize them in order to support investors decision.

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members & partners:550+